det här tröstar, lite iallafall..

okej, jag gråter typ här på jobbet. Tycker det här (se nedan) säger en del om oss och att vi verkligen har visat vilka vi är och att vi platsar på stora tävlingar som grand prix och EM.. Att de märkte att vi verkligen älskar vår sport och att tävla är underbart.

Önskar att det kunde räcka lite längre än det gör.

Läs slutet av detta.. (hittat på rgforumet såklart)

Anna Kull Moderator

Joined: 27 Oct 2003
Posts: 3409
Location: Switzerland

PostPosted: Sun, 29-Nov-2009 21:23    Post subject: Reply with quote

Garaeva has a new ball music *classical*
She must have enjoyed this comp a lot! Very smiley and a great contact to her fans Bounce She is definitely in good shape again her jumps are not as amazing as they had been at some point in the past.
Miteva, Her ribbon routine of today was my favourite of the weekend...great clean pivots and such an emotion!!!! I am angry that she didn't get a medal for this!!!!!!!!!!
Kanaeva dId a clean comp and won well deserved today. She gave me more emotions today then in the AA, but nooooooo comparison to Silvia!
Kondakova She impressed me more in Thiais. Her pivots were a bit shakey today *shapes and releve*
Staniouta, Great hoop! Much cleaner then yesterday. A small drop with ball but a good comp for her.
I will write more tomorrow night. plus answer some questions about groups we have to get our stuff packed now and off to the airport at 6 am...
I just want to say that I really enjoyed the SWE group! They give a different touch to the RG world and show their happiness to compete! I like their choreos and I was very happy to see that their hoop routine went really well on Sat! They could give the best of them in front of the big crowd which is what matters for them Very Happy
I'll let you know more tomorrow...

Anna and Connie


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